日期:2022/09/15 09:01:30图片:未知人气:+
Sitting in the hot classroom, looking out of the window of the sun shining on the textbook by the wind.
Corridors and tea rooms are always crowded with people. The ten minutes between classes are not long or short, which can hold the whole summer.
The curtain can't cover the youth's dream. Another group of people will be lost in this season.
On the night of November 14, 2016, the world was waiting for the super moon. The news said that it was the last time the moon was away from us in the continuous revolution day and night. It would take 18 years to wait another time.
That year, when I was a junior in high school, the brightly lit classroom was particularly dazzling under the heavy sky. I didn't want to look at the moon. I just watched another familiar face on the glass window.
I still remember, at that time, I almost blurted out: today, 18 years later, will this 18-year-old boy still be by my side.
I always have this feeling about summer
In the summer, we are all young, and we can be reckless, and we can be impassioned.
One of the characteristics of youth is "love hitting the south wall".
When I was 17 or 8, I would like to break the wall. I don't care if I have to break my heart and blood.
I will not be in a hurry at the age of 20. I may set a deadline for myself. After this time, I will go another way.
I still don't lose at the age of twenty-four and five, but I just hit it tentatively. Well, the wall is thick. Forget to go.
Maybe by the age of 30, I would try to sit next to the south wall to get the sun and go home, or I don't know which day I will start and I can't see the south wall any more.
在这个十七八岁的年纪里,没有什么是遗憾的,所有的经历都值得被铭记 。
At the age of seventeen or eighteen, there is nothing to regret. All the experiences are worth remembering.
豁出去一点地活着吧,因为这是我仅有一次的人生 。
如果不断尝试,会变得优秀那很好 ,如果还是觉得自己平凡,也没关系,已经少了很多遗憾了啊。
Go out and live a little, because this is my only life.
If you keep trying, you will become excellent. That's good. If you still feel ordinary, it doesn't matter. There are a lot of regrets.
Everything is in time. You can do whatever you want while you are young. You have time to try and make mistakes and stop losses, but you should not regret it.
Life is a never-ending cycle, and what we have to do is to get a full heart in the reciprocation.
He said he would marry me when I was sixteen.
So no matter who he married at 30 or 40, I married him at 16.
When we are younger, we often have a lot of strange ideas, whether to practice or not, can't distinguish, can't choose.
By the time we can tell whether these thoughts are strange, right or wrong, we are old again.
Sometimes, "later" is totally different.
There is nothing to regret, because regret is useless.
【图源: 灰尾太子】
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