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日期:2022/05/10 17:51:05图片:未知人气:+

























How do you gather evidence when you find your partner cheating?

1, catch adultery as far as possible invite a companion

Some parties, for reasons of keeping their dirty linen in the closet or other reasons, know that the other party is committing adultery with others, and they go to catch themselves. Such a result, once involved in the litigation, what the parties saw is only equivalent to the statement of the parties in law, and as long as the other party denies it, it cannot be identified.

When knowing that the other party is preparing or is committing adultery with others, as far as possible to invite two to three people willing to testify in court to catch the adultery, and as far as possible with photography, recording, videography and other ways to make video records.

2. Collect circumstantial evidence as much as possible to form a complete evidence chain

In real life, there is very little direct evidence that can be obtained to "catch adultery in bed", and it is often necessary to collect as much circumstantial evidence as possible.

Such as: Qq or WeChat chat records, phone records, text messages, electronic or paper letters, two people more intimate photos, travel together in public utilities, rent contract, property and the photo of the credential, margie, records, paper, audio-visual material, the testimony of witnesses, gifts, village (house) commission, police station proof and so on, These circumstantial evidence alone cannot be established generally, but if they are combined together to form a chain of evidence, the fact can be established.

3, the evidence that is easy to disappear and change should be preserved and fixed in time

Some evidence may be fleeting, such as adultery site not reproduce the scene, can do it by request the public power intervention in the record of fixed, such as electronic evidence, mobile phone text messages are easy to be deleted, once has the best preservation by means of notarization in time, in this way, even if the other party after delete or change, also not be affected.

Listening and monitoring should be careful

In order to obtain evidence of infidelity, some parties improperly purchase and install wiretapping and surveillance equipment. However, Chinese law has strict rules on the use of such equipment, and any indiscretion may violate relevant laws.

In the end, not only is the evidence obtained by illegal evidence collection inadmissible, but also may bear the corresponding civil liability for infringing the civil rights of the third party, and may even make oneself bear the administrative and criminal liability.

Appropriate recourse to public authority

On the one hand, the parties may cause tort liability, on the other hand, the obtained evidence may not be accepted, or the proof force is low. Sometimes it is a good idea to intervene with the proper help of public authority.

What if you follow your partner and a third person and see them in a hotel room? Suggest to call 110 to report to the police, explain oneself to see the other half and the stranger is in the hotel to open a room, suspect is in prostitution whongs, but because oneself a weak woman, if hard break in to fear personal safety is threatened at the same time also worry about causing other legal responsibility, need to ask for help police intervention.

Prove the idea of cohabitation "in the name of husband and wife"

According to the law, the constitution of the crime of bigamy requires both parties to cohabitate in the name of husband and wife and the people around them also consider them as husband and wife. However, according to the criminal law of China, the crime of bigamy is a case of private prosecution, that is, the litigant needs to complete the proof by himself, and the public power generally does not take the initiative to interfere, so the proof is extremely difficult.

In real life, bigamy evidence will generally have: in the name of the husband and wife to declare the registered permanent residence, buy and rent housing, wedding, etc. Marriage registration and household registration in China are not connected to the Internet, and often there will be the situation that the registered marriage is still unmarried on the household registration, so there may be one party after the registration, and the registration of marriage with others in other places. If two marriage certificates are obtained at the same time, this is conclusive direct evidence, but in reality, this situation is not rare.

In addition, it is necessary to take evidence of other aspects of cohabitation, such as: to introduce the identity of "husband and wife", travel parties in the name of husband and wife; Testimonies of neighbors and relatives; If a child is born with a third party, both parties shall sign as spouses or the medical certificate of the child's birth records both parties as parents, etc.

7. Ask questions in court investigation and confirm relevant facts

According to the law, if one party admits the fact, the other party can be relieved of the burden of proof. Don't get discouraged if you don't have enough evidence.

Sometimes by using the questioning link between each other in the court investigation, through clever questioning design, let the other party admit the relevant facts in the answer to the question or complete the incomplete evidence chain, may also achieve unexpected results.

This effect, of course, requires a lot of experience and skill on the part of the questioner, and also involves a lot of chance.




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