日期:2021-11-01 16:30:39作者:很尴尬说情感图片:未知人气:+
I can't say that my life will become the same as you, at least in the future to see you, just want to be good for you.
You said, my life I have her, you have no choice, the rest of my life I must be early, so you should choose me.
The craziest thing in my life is falling in love with you. The greatest hope is to have you accompany me crazy for a lifetime. To think that the world may be without you, my heart, like a broken pain.
In the name of the law, I was sentenced to life imprisonment, you are in my heart, so forgive me too greedy, the dog loves you, also want to accompany you liangbinbai.
Care for me, I will double care! People who don't care about me, what makes you let me continue to take care of?
In the cycle of seasons, we walk through the rain through the wind. Summer rainbow stars in the sky, you are my witness: hold your hand, so I want to lead you to life.
Your hand looks nice, but seems to be missing, MMMM, diamond ring is my suggestion.
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